Presidential Funding

December 12, 2006

Tim Clark tells us the number one indicator of political success is money in the bank. It looks like the three major Republican presidential candidates are burrowing in the California money tree. 

Ultra Heavy weight Anne Dunsmore of Capitol Campaigns [Pete Wilson and W] will take charge of Gov. Mitt Romney's fund raising efforts. She worked with Gov. Romney when he served as Chair of the Republican Governors Association, 2004, and his Commonwealth PAC. She has the best Rolodex in town from raising millions and millions for President Bush alone. 

Another millions and millions  fundraiser Casandra Vandenberg, will head  McCain's effort with an impressive list of a half a dozen experienced regional fundraisers. She will be moving to a reported 11,000 square foot HQ in Century City in the near future. McCain will use LA as one of his three National Headquarters. That is a first in a long time for California. 

Finally, financier Bill Simon is tapped to run Rudy Giuliani's effort here. Simon a prodigious fund raiser himself, active in political and charitable circles,  promises to make California the most sought after location for republicans presidential seekers anywhere in the country.  Coincidentally, Bill Simon's office is on the same floor as key Bush friend and fundraising impresario Brad Freeman. Freeman reportedly has not yet chosen a candidate. 

Particularly interesting is that all three fund raising operations will all be located within 2 miles of each other in West Los Angeles.

20 Million Questions

December 06, 2006

BOE Member Bill Leonard has twice mentioned in his weekly newsletter questions as the effectiveness of the CRP's 20 million GOTV effort. He calls for a "performance audit". See here.

Coincidentally, the CRP Board of Directors will meet face to face at their Sacramento Headquarters this Friday. Just added to the agenda will be a full and frank discussion of the effectiveness of the GOTV program. 

Steve Kinney will present a detailed post election analysis, which would show that our down ticket candidates [Mc Clintock and Strickland] won the absentee votes but lost dramatically with election day voters. [ See Brandon Powers blog Dec 6 here]. More interesting is that the majority of voters were white, older, married and home owners. What gives? 

In the meanwhile, who raised the 20 million and how did it get spent?

Board members are promised they will see all direct mail that was issued by the CRP and review all scripts used at the telephone centers. These are important questions for me. This is my last CRP Board meeting and I owe lunch to Mike Spence. I bet him that a big Arnold turnout would definitely help Tom and Tony.

Brownback The Only Conservative?

December 04, 2006

Last Friday, at financier Doug Brown's Manhattan Beach ocean view home, Sen. Sam Brownback announced that he would open his Presidential Exploratory Committee today.  The Senator pointed out that in politics " anything " can happen. Given, that conservative Sen. George Allen is no longer, in less than a month, proves the point.

Explaining how he would succeed, Brownback (pictured to the right) pointed out the obvious. It's all about Iowa. Kansas which shares a long geographical border also share common political instincts. The nature of that Primary demands intense retail politics. Brownback has nurtured his contacts there since he was elected to Congress in 1994. The Senator correctly believes that if he shows well in the Iowa primary his campaign could ignite nationally. 

Sen. Rick Santorum help convert Sam Brownback into  Roman Catholicism  in 2002. As such it was no surprise seeing several prominent Catholic leaders. Brownback expects to lead social conservatives and his impressive foreign policy credentials will help him defense minded conservatives. Brownback authored the breakthrough North Korean Human Rights Act and chaired the Helsinki Commission.

Taxes good for Business

December 01, 2006


LA attorney  Paul Kavesh paid for a full page ad in the Daily Breeze entitled "The Democrats are back in power". He asked, "what do you do with your estate plan now?"  Kavesh promises that "an overflow audience is anticipated" at his seminar and the Dems will soon increase estate taxes and income taxes. 

In order for you to adjust to the new tax climate you can register for his seminar at the Torrance Hilton until tomorrow night. (See the two-part ad below.) 

Estate planner Kavesh certainly is betting that with Dems in power there will be immediate trauma to those who own real estate in California. At least this tax specialist gets the joke. Bad news for those who work, are homeowners and are over 45. 


Arnold must steer clear of drift to left

November 17, 2006

THOUGH he’s served less than a full term, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has assumed at least three distinct public personas – the middle-of-the-road populist reformer, the conservative anti-government reformer, and the Republicrat populist reformer who just won re-election.

 Which of those will be dominant in an administration afflicted with MPPS: Multiple Political Personalities Syndrome? Or will a new, fusion personality emerge?

 As a conservative, I’m rooting for the re-emergence of Schwarzenegger circa 2005, who pledged to “blow up the boxes,” eliminate the structural deficit and rein in the powerful government unions. After all, those problems haven’t gone away, and in the wake of a 16-point re-election victory and the passage of his entire bond package, Schwarzenegger can make a strong case that the infrastructure crisis has been addressed and now is the time to fix the structural defects that keep state government finances in perpetual deficit.

 As a co-founder of the Gray Davis recall, I’d be happy with the return of the 2003 populist-centrist who kept his promise to repeal the car tax and used his popularity and momentum to muscle legislative Democrats into passing meaningful reform of our job-killing workers’ compensation system.

 But as a realist, I think it’s most likely Schwarzenegger will begin his second term the same way he ended his first: as a hybrid Democratic-Republican. It is in that incarnation that he has enjoyed his greatest success as governor – if by success you mean passing legislation and earning plaudits from the mainstream media and Democratic politicians.

 Schwarzenegger has already made it clear that insuring those without health insurance is going to be his top priority. Given his recent track record, that most likely means expanding the role of government in the health care system.

 Recently, the governor has shown little reluctance to sign legislation imposing costly new mandates on business – witness, for example, his approval of the greenhouse gases bill and two minimum-wage increases. Thus, I think it’s unlikely Schwarzenegger will try using his massive re-election victory to make the Democratic Legislature accommodate itself to a more market-oriented health care reform. But, he could surprise us.

 Arnold endured one of the most profound political beatings ever experienced in California with last year’s Big Labor $160 million, nine-month media campaign.

He invested over $7 million of his own money supporting important structural reforms such as ending gerrymandering and permanently controlling state spending. And, who doesn’t believe Arnold isn’t still smarting from all those personal attacks that would have criminalized Mother Teresa?

 It would be a shame and a waste of a remarkable political comeback and re-election triumph should Arnold drift left. After all, given the left-wing nature of this Legislature, any warm body in the Governor’s Office could expand the size and scope of government. But it would take a leader with vision and determination to fight for the hard-but-necessary reforms without which California government is doomed to fiscal instability and chaos.

 We can only hope the governor realizes the way to historical relevance and good government lies down the latter path.

Review: The People's Machine

September 19, 2006

Los Angeles Times reporter Joe Mathews' new book, The People's Machine: Arnold and the Rise of Blockbuster Democracy is quite the rage in Sacramento and for California political junkies. Mathews recounts the political formation of Arnold Schwarzenegger and the origins of the 2003 Gray Davis Recall that dethroned a sitting governor for the first time in 80 years - and elected Arnold Schwarzenegger in his place.

That time now seems like eons ago, but we should remember the California Republican Party was on its back following the November 2002 election disaster in which all but one statewide GOP candidate went down to defeat. The Party had reached a nadir. Much of the organized big business community had deserted to Gray Davis, with the state Chamber of Commerce and the Business Roundtable served as affable allies against Republicans, and particularly Bill Simon.

Then, just days after being re-elected, Davis admitted he misstated the size state deficit by billions of dollars and the chattering classes in Sacramento began chattering about major tax increases. 

I was California Republican Party chairman at the time and was at a conservative networking meeting in Sacramento the December following the election. Ted Costa approached me with his idea for recalling Gray Davis. 

I thought the idea was absurd. 

Soon afterward, I was a guest on Melanie Morgan's talk radio program on KSFO in San Francisco and she pressed me for an alternative to four more years of Gray Davis. I blurted out there was "talk of a recall" - a n idea Morgan loudly and immediately embraced. I carefully explained I was unfamiliar with the legal, timing and practical aspects of a gubernatorial recall but would report back to her listeners. But when "Fred from Petaluma" phoned in to the show that he would drive to downtown San Francisco and pick up 50 petitions, I could sense a voter volcano was erupting. 

Immediately after appearing on Morgan's show, Bob Johnson asked me to come on his Voice of the Valley radio show in the north San Joaquin Valley to discuss this recall idea. The prairie fire was starting.

In theory, qualifying a gubernatorial recall would be a breeze. We only needed signatures equaling 5% of the combined gubernatorial vote from in the last election - when the turnout was historically low. And we had 5 months in which to do it. 

To our dismay, most of the California Republican leadership was cool to the idea - to put it mildly. Gerry Parsky, President Bush's man in California was hostile to the recall until almost the very end. These GOP leaders feared the recall would fail and embarrass the party - to which I responded the state GOP was already embarrassed and had nothing to lose because Republican legislative leaders were leading an army of invalids with no power in Sacramento. 

Fortunately, the recall was not dependent on the state party leadership, and unified conservative grass-roots support pushed the California Republican Party executive committee and convention to endorse the recall in February 2003 -- notwithstanding the formal opposition from our national committeeman, Gerry Parsky and GOP legislative leaders. 

During the next six months, I was busier than I ever dreamed I would be as an outgoing party chairman, working the talk radio circuit and plumping the recall. A true boon to our efforts was the fact that recall petitions could be downloaded from the Internet. For the first time in history, a public official could be recalled via the Internet. Moreover, support from dozens of conservative talk radio hosts around the state meant we were in virtually daily communication with more than 2,000,000 conservatives. The fusion of these two mediums produced more than 100,000 signatures in the first 30 days. 

The People's Machine author Joe Mathews did his homework, interviewing hundreds of key players in this first-of-its-kind political earthquake. I can vouch for the accuracy of Mathew's description of events to which I was a party or of which I knowledge, which leads me that accuracy extends throughout the book.

Readers of this column will know many of the individuals Mathews writes about. Readers will be surprised to learn what prompted Darrell Issa to fund the signatures -- and what events led to Arnold's declaration of candidacy when he was still sporting the Terminator haircut. 

The ripples of the Arnold phenomenon continue to roil California's political waters. Mathews' book traces Schwarzenegger's political formation and entry into national and state politics, his victory in the 2003 recall victory, his early dealings and successes with the legislature through the mashing Arnold received from the $164,000,000 media barrage against him and his 2005 "Year Of Reform" initiatives. 

It's clear from Mathews' book that even a savvy player like Arnold didn't understand the naked power of unlimited union spending, and the Mathews explains why Arnold plunged more than $ 7,000,000 of his own money into an ultimately failed effort to pass his raft of reform initiatives. I've e never seen any Governor work so hard for a losing cause. 

Now Arnold is back. Eviscerating Angiledes, co-opting Republicans and Democrats, business and labor, Indians and Labor, Latinos from mainstream democrats, Arnold always needs to be the center of attention. He doesn't like predictability. Joe Mathews understands this better than anyone. The People's Machine is destined to be the classic definer of the Age of Arnold.



Winning Purple: Here’s How


Antisemitism has no place in the Republican Party
Angry with Your Local School Board? Run for Office.
Boycott Beijing: Biden’s Opportunity to Unite Americans

Black Republicans lead political poll reversal
Steel: ‘Zuckerbucks’ Corrupted the 2020 Election for Big Tech

Steel: Democrats Discriminate Against Asian Americans, Demand Reparations
Coronavirus: US-China Talks Must Go Beyond Trade & Include China’s Biomedical Practices

Resolution Regarding China's Organ Harvesting
Conservative lawyers steal page from progressive playbook

Shawn Steel: California Republicans Must Think Like a Political Insurgency to Survive
California Democrats rewrite the voting rules in their favor
When a 14-point Republican lead disappears
Why California Republicans lost it all, even in Orange County (Hint: It's not Trump)
Utility monopoly demands more corporate welfare
Sanctuary Opt-Out Update - Update #13
Democrats Face Their Own Proposition 187 By Discriminating Against Asian Americans
Sanctuary Opt-Out Update - Update #12
Sanctuary Opt-Out Update - Update #11
Silicon Valley: Disturbing by Design
Dana Rohrabacher’s conservative track record is as consistent as it is long
Sanctuary Opt-Out Update - Update #10
Sanctuary Opt-Out Update - Update #9
Sanctuary Opt-Out Update - Update #8
Sanctuary Opt-Out Update - Update #7
Sanctuary Opt-Out Update - Update #6
Sanctuary Opt-Out Update - Update #5
Sanctuary Opt-Out Update - Update #4
Sanctuary Opt-Out Update - Update #3
Sanctuary Opt-Out Update - Update #2
Sanctuary Opt-Out Update - Update #1
The Conservative Movement: Agony, Revolution, and Triumph

Charlottesville and the ongoing threat of the alt-right
California’s high-speed rail promoters should heed the wisdom of rats
My family escaped North Korea - Trump's response was spot on
House Passes Bill on Illegal Immigration, Sanctuary Cities
Orange County’s conservative students under attack

OCC should fire bully professor
Steve Bannon’s Real Crime: Providing Deplorables with News Alternative
Hillary Clinton Would Be America’s First Illegitimate President
California can lead in the fight against government overreach
Obama Legacy Includes Christian Genocide
Put Ivanka in Charge – Only the Damsel Can Save Donald in Distress
US Christians key to ending US inaction on Christian genocide
RNC Resolution

Steel: Conservatives Win with Kevin McCarthy as Speaker
Up-close look at Obama’s foreign policy failures and the al Sisi alternative

Republicans make steady gains with Asian-Americans
CA GOP enlists Asian American candidates
Shawn Steel: Not your granddaddy's California GOP
Report from Chicago
California’s party-switchers miss the vote
Silicon Valley and the GOP: Republicans nurturing false hopes
How about amnesty for legal immigrants?

ACLU shouldn't be lone voice against surveillance
Paradise Lost

Notable & Quotable
Romney must win over Asian voters

RNC Resolution Opposing “National Popular Vote Compact"
Scathing Report Undermines All Credibility in Redistricting Process
RDAs will end … when elephants fly?
When elephants fly: the end of the dreaded RDAs
Electoral College Madness
Brown caught between unions, voters

What Happened to Fresno?
Prop 23 Abandoned by Business
Asian Republican Strategy
Obama appoints "devout" Muslims to Homeland Security
Chairman Steele 'full throated' for O'Donnell
The Brown Implosion
The Shill of Silicon Valley
Jerry's Secret : WSJ & Pajamas Media
Report RNC Summer Meeting
The Ruling Class and Maxine Waters
Steele Supports War, But Not the President\'s Policies
Reader Rebuttal: O.C. supervisor race
Ronald Reagan Day
Blanket primary smothers choice
Corporations: Enemy of the People; Key Supporters for Obamacare
Tom Campbell's strange saga with Sami Al-Arian
Taliban gains foothold in Justice Dept
Who will turn ? Who will save the libs and unions?
Is the OC Sheriff Crazy?
Nancy Pelosi's New Ride
Reflections Of My First Trip To Israel
Michael Steele Wins Again
GOP losers target Michael Steele

The Return of CAL-YAF
Kalifornistan: A Movie Review
Applications to the Redistricting Commission : Prop 11
Darrell Steinberg--next door to you--CAIR and Islamists
CAIR- Spies Everywhere Ask Sen Steinberg
Speaker Bass Rejects CAIR
CAIR, Hamas, Arnold and the Dems
Are John Burton and the CDP Crazy?
Today's Commentary: The Three Judges Who Would Release The Criminals
Republicans come roaring back
Speaker Bass Has To Go!
The Orange Grove: Sell and modernize state to solvency
PIONEER HENRY LUCAS, DDS, mobilized other black conservatives
American Indian Charter School-Libs Need Not Apply
California Focus: State government needs RAW deal
50 Ways to leave your leader -- Mike Villines
Feds Prosecutorial Abuse ...Leave Perata Alone
Opinion: California Republicans need to step up to anti-tax plate
California\'s Upcoming Water Revolt
RNC Election: Steele the Winner! Thank you Ken Blackwell
STEELE -- RNC Chair Winner say California Republicans
RNC Race: Bribes, Lies and Hit Mail
RNC Chairman's race gets ugly
What's the real story with the RNC race?

Merry Christmas to Igancio "Nacho" Ramos & Jose Campion
Dirty Dem Money
How do we forgive RINO's?
Hollywood Blacklist : We are all Mormons
Go to the movies with the Dukes
Jerry Brown on the Warpath
Surveys, Surveys Everywhere -- But Who Is Reliable?
Bernard Parks and The Unions : a David vs. Goliath story
Who wants to win the most?
The Battle for Glendale: Jane vs. the Interloper
Republican Woodstock - - Sarah takes LA
Abandoning Michigan? No way says Sarah
Conservative Resurgence at RNC May Change Party
SEIU: Corruption Runs Deep
What's the rush on the budget?
Who is Abram Wilson?
Obama Swimming In Money -- More Than All Presidential Campaigns Combined
Today's Commentary on the News
UC Cancellations, by Clinton, Waxman and Nunez : Victory for students and conservatives
The worst guy in LA :Part Two - - Mark Ridley-Thomas vs. Parks
The Battle for LA : Parks vs. Ridley-Thomas
America's Grifter : Laura Richardson MC
The worst guy in LA : Mark Ridley-Thomas
SCOC accused Ridley-Thomas of "denigrating Latinos" : The Battle for LA - - Part 2
The Battle for Los Angeles
The Obama we never knew: ACORN
Hillary claims Obama not reaching white voters
Jews and Blacks: Bradley Coalition Breakup
I never liked Rockefeller
Mike Ramirez 2nd Pulitzer
L.A. Grad Rate for H.S. 45.3 %
State GOP Declares War
Useful Idiot : Mike Thompson
Democratic Party's Racial Divide
VIDEO: SFSU College Republicans Take On CODE PINK in Berkeley
The Trojan Horse a simple idea plus media sensation against Prop 93
Dems bow to the Bey of Oakland

Korea moves to the Right
Parsky Commission Fails Rogan
Speaker Makes Best Argument Against Prop 93
College Reps Confront the Left and Terrorism Next Week
The Governor Does Good : Ridley-Thomas gets it on the chin
LA Times goes bonkers or just another day at the office?
Electoral College Reform: Putting California in Play ; Paul Singer vs. Stephen Bing
Muslims Sue FBI in California
SF State College Reps Rip the Left
9/11 Two Anniversaries ...Europe Saved From Muslim Extremists ..324 years ago
Big Changes in LA County - Bernard Parks is running for Supervisor
Day 31 : Korean Christians Held by Taliban
Political Earthquake, Equalizing California Electorial Votes
Gore is Good
Legal Aid Foundation organizing Union : Violates Federal Law
Rescue Dawn - - The best summer movie
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher's July 31st Hearing on Border Guards
Infidel : Summer Reading
Pacific Research trains School Board Members
Dead Bill Walking : SB 801
Blood Sport : Slamming Jerry Lewis
Frank Baxter Ambassador to the Republica Oriental del Uruguay
UCI: The war against the 5th Column
LA Times Smearing Ken Calvert
Bradley Article - Supremely Disappointing
The Death of a Moderate Muslim
Freedom Fighters Invade UCI
Who Really Cares?
Where does the CRP live ?
Packing Heat at the LA Central Com : War at the 37th
Illegals play Capture the Flag
Happy Birthday, California Republican Party!
Times Editorials returns to boredom
Billionaire Broad a Backstabber?
LA councilman fights good jobs
The Remedy: Out Work The Democrats
Should the Republican Party Stay Republican?
Parsky Back in the News
The Wealthy Left Finance CA Politics
LACCD Beachhead
Revolution in the Belly of the Beast
Gasoline on the Pension Fire
CRP 's Future Chess Moves
Viet Power
Liberation in North Korea in LA
GOP registrations for hourly fun
Terminator Care DOA?
The California GOP: $16,000,000 Answers

Presidential Funding
20 Million Questions
Brownback The Only Conservative?
Taxes good for Business
Arnold must steer clear of drift to left
Review: The People's Machine

The Emerging Mcclintock Era
Schwarzenegger's Back
Will Arnold Jump The Shark?
The Governor's Initiatives
Initiatives At Home And Abroad

Not Just Bush Scored A Victory On Nov. 2
Against Prop 62
Vote No on 62
Play The Initiative Card
'Voter Choice': Reform-free Reform
Don't Take the Bayou State Cure
Dem Dominance of State is Dead
A Downright Reaganesque Speech

Arnold's Army
Winners and Losers
The Conservative Question
Governor Croupier
Recall Choice Really Between Tom, Bill, Arnold
Who CAIRs?
People Must Demand Recall
Golden Possibilities

State Republicans See Light in 2006
Don't Snicker ... Bill Simon Could Actually Win
'Same-Day Voting' Makes Hanging Chads Look Quaint
Lionesses of the Left Eat Judicial Nominees Alive

Escape Artist

An Attempt at an End Run on Prop. 209
Don't Force Lawyers to Join the State Bar