What Happened to Fresno?

November 15, 2010

What happened to the Central Valley? 

We've heard for years about the man-made water shortages, high unemployment, local Latino politicians switching to the Republican party and how unpopular are  the democrats. The only problem is that 5 key counties failed to vote. 

Where was the gusto ? 

The statewide average of registered voters is about 55%. Yet Fresno [44.7%], Kern [53.1%] , Merced [50.9%], Stanislaus [50.7%] and Tulare [42.5%] didn't pull their respective weights. Some Republican power bases performed well, such as Ventura [59.5%] and San Diego [ 60.3% ! ]. 

Had the 5 central valley counties voted at 55% , we might have a new congressman Andy Vidak. Steve Cooley would have netted an additional 30,000 votes. Today, Cooley is behind some 14,000 votes. 

Prop 23 Abandoned by Business

October 21, 2010

Part of the reason why a reasonable Proposition like 23, which would merely abate the radical "Global Warming Solutions Act" until California reaches 'only' 5.5% unemployment, is the failure of California businesses to "man up"

The Tipping Point probably came  in the last decade, when California big business turned into a craven political creature. The LA Times confirms recent polling that Prop 23, which was slightly ahead in September at 52 to 41% is slipping to 44 - 49%. 

Even liberal economists recognize that the Global Warming Solutions Act will cost billions to energy businesses and transportation directly. The GWSA will have a statistically zero impact to planet earth. But "green" business will thrive. Yet the percentage of so-called green jobs is maybe 3%. While 97% of the work force suffers, 3% benefit. Liberals successfully created an emerging government favored elite. 

The two oil companies who help pony up some $9 million is facing 16 separate committees ranging from the notorious Sierra Club to billionaires in Silicon Valley. They argue that Prop 23 proponents want to keep us "addicted to oil" . When they find decent economic equivalent --- we will get a memo. Until then the scare mongering of the GWSA crowd will cost the livelihood of tens of thousands of middle class workers. Everyone else will continue to pay higher and steeper energy costs. 

Where is the California Chamber of Commerce? The Business Roundtable? The fact is they have given up. Those formerly robust organizations are politically marginal. There are some exceptions---but on the big issues of the day --- Indian casinos and public employee unions have much more power. Even the prison guards have much more sway than the Chamber. 

Failure of Prop 23 will continue to drive out established and new businesses. California will slouch to any economic recovery. The state Chamber continues to evolve into a social club. Where is John Galt ? 

Asian Republican Strategy

October 08, 2010

Few are aware that some 13% of likely California voters are Asian. That is a huge number. SurveyUSAreleased its comprehensive results on October 3. This November 2nd., the voting universe looks to be some 60% white, 6% black, 21% Latino with the remaining 13% Asian. 

The growing Asian voting influence should be good news for Republicans. Generally, Asian households have higher levels of income, higher education, greater  home ownership, more  intact families and strong religious affiliations. SurveyUSA shows that Carly is in the margin of error, but the poll reveals that Boxer has some 46% Asian support over Carly's 38%.

This is not a new Republican dilemma.

We can learn from Van Tran. Six years ago he surprised Republicans by winning a hotly contested primary where his Republican opponent accused Van of being Vietnamese! Despite the racial pandering, Van won---largely because he appealed to white conservatives, conservative Latinos and pushed for a huge registration for VIetnamese. Presently, Vietnamese hold some 20% of the registrations in the 47th congressional district. Van will win because of his work in all three communities. 

The process starts years before an significant election. Van Tran attended Latino and Vietnamese community meetings year round, held small meetings constantly, was accessible for one to one meetings. Van's name ID is high and positive. 

What can Meg and Carly do now?

With a universe of over 2,000,000 likely voters, one must understand that the highly complex and divergent Asian communities support hundreds of daily and weekly newspapers and magazines.There are dozens of radio and TV Asian programs. Earned media is easy to garner. Anytime either candidate is near any Asian community---a special effort should be made to invite all local Asian media. They will show up if invited. In addition, given the Tipping Point of the 13% vote factor---strongly consider advertising on Asian radio and TV. In the past, it may not have made much political sense. But times are changing. 

Obama appoints "devout" Muslims to Homeland Security

October 08, 2010

When was the last time you read that a President appointed a "devout" Jew or a "devout" Christian to any government post? 

 Obama and Janet Nappy Appoint "Devout" Muslim to Homeland Security Post, Arif Alikhan,  assistant Secretary for Policy Development..

 Kareem Shora, who was born in Damascus, Syria was appointed by DHS Secretary Napolitano on Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC) Washington, DC, June 5, 2009.

Chairman Steele 'full throated' for O'Donnell

September 15, 2010

Unlike some well seasoned politicos in DC including the NRSC, Chairman Michael Steele is running hard supporting Christine O’Donnell. See below. 

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Dear RNC Members,

Last night marked the end of a spirited primary season where voters from across the country went to the polls to choose their nominees for this November's highly anticipated midterm elections. Congratulations to Bob Ehrlich in MD, Christine O'Donnell in DE, Ron Johnson in WI, Carl Paladino in NY, Kelly Ayotte in NH and all our nominees who won last night.  Over the past eight months, Republicans have recruited candidates to run for virtually all 37 Senate seats and 430 of 435 House districts this fall, a total that tops our previous high of 427, set in 1996. Republicans are riding high headed into the midterms with a wide open playing field, an across the board slate of strong candidates, and the political winds at our backs. With just 48 days to go, Republicans stand united and are working harder than ever to finish strong and turn this year’s vast electoral potential into reality.



Chairman Steele “Offered His Full Throated Support For…Christine O’Donnell” And “Urged Party Unity As The Republicans Look To Make Big Gains…” “In an immediate effort to heal the Republican party's divisions on display in the Delaware Senate race, RNC Chairman Michael Steele offered his full throated support for the tea party backed victor in the race, Christine O'Donnell. Steele urged party unity as the Republicans look to make big gains in the midterm season.” (Quinn Bowman, “RNC Chairman Steele Urges Unity As  He Rolls Out ‘Fire Pelosi’ Bus Tour,” PBS Newshour,  9/15/10) 


Chairman Steele “Has Instructed His Staff To Devote Resources And Money To Help Christine O’Donnell In Delaware.” “Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele told CNN Wednesday that he has instructed his staff to devote resources and money to help Christine O'Donnell in Delaware. Specifically, Steele said that he has emphasized to the RNC's finance staff the need to help set up fundraisers to help stock O'Donnell's campaign war chest….Steele began a 48 state bus tour Wednesday heading into the November elections.” (Mark Preston, “Steele Pledges To Help O’Donnell,” CNN, 9/15/10) 


Sarah Palin: “More Power To Michael Steele.” “‘Some, like RNC Michael Steele, he came out right away and he said, “Yeah, this was a victory in the hands of the people,”’ Palin said, after chiding Republicans who were slow to embrace Christine O'Donnell. ‘More power to Michael Steele.’“ (Ben Smith, “Palin: ‘More Power To Michael Steele,’” Politico9/15/10) 


The Wall Street Journal: O’Donnell Is A “Rising Star.” “Delaware's Republican establishment dismissed Christine O'Donnell as a gadfly with a flimsy resume and shallow roots in the state. But on Tuesday, the tea party activist beat the state's best-known Republican in her campaign for Vice President Joe Biden's old Senate seat, becoming another rising star in one of the most volatile political seasons in decades.” (Neil King Jr., “In Delaware, Tea Party Gains Newest Star,” The Wall Street Journal9/15/10) 


Sen. DeMint: “We Are Going To Win Delware.” “Senator Jim DeMint, who has been a champion of Tea Party candidates throughout the nation, said that Christine O’Donnell’s victory in the Delaware Republican Senate primary was proof of a nationwide mobilization of voters in favor of smaller government and that the party’s future hinged on embracing candidates like Ms. O’Donnell and rejecting any moderates who might be willing to vote with Democrats. ‘We are going to win in Delaware,’ Mr. DeMint, Republican of South Carolina, declared in an interview with reporters at the Capitol, in which he dismissed predictions that Ms. O’Donnell would fall short in November.” (David M. Herszenhorn, “DeMint: ‘We Are Going To Win In Delaware,’” The New York Times, 9/15/10) 


Rep. Boehner: “The Voters Of Delaware Have Spoken.” “Minority Leader John Boehner was asked about O'Donnell and spun the victory as a sign of support for the Republican agenda: ‘You've heard me talk all year about the rebellion that's going on in America. I've never seen more Americans engaged in our government in my lifetime. And you know, the voters of Delaware have spoken and you're going to continue to hear the American people speak, not just last night but you're going to her them speak loud and clearly come November.’” (Benjamin Sarlin, “House Leaders OK O'Donnell,” The Daily Beast, 9/15/10) 


Rep. Pence: “O’Donnell Demonstrated Her Ability As A Candidate…” “Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) was more explicit in offering support for O'Donnell. ‘Christine O'Donnell demonstrated her ability as a candidate, articulated strong conservative views, reached out to people across the political spectrum, I expect she'll continue to do that,’ he told reporters.” (Benjamin Sarlin, “House Leaders OK O'Donnell,” The Daily Beast, 9/15/10) 


Chairman Steele: “I Look Forward To Electing Christine O’Donnell The Next Senator From Delaware.”“Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele says the RNC will support Delaware Senatorial GOP nominee Christine O'Donnell. ‘I look forward to electing Christine O'Donnell the next senator from Delaware,’ said Steele Wednesday at a press conference in Washington kicking off the RNC's ‘Fire Pelosi’ bus tour. ‘We cannot waste the opportunity by tearing each other down.’” (Jake Gibson, “RNC Supports O'Donnell in Delaware, NRSC Changes Tune,” Fox News, 9/15/10)

The Brown Implosion

September 14, 2010

In a dead even race, sometimes you have to wait for one candidate's meltdown. After a lifetime of hyperbole, Jerry Brown may be fully embracing a "self-indulgent death wish", as Garry South, Gov Davis' guru and major dem consultant stated yesterday. 

Brown's explosion against all things Clinton is just too good to be true. It seems almost scripted by Meg to inflict as much damage as possible to sink Brown's support among those democrats who still worship Bill Clinton. Most democrats don't consider Clinton the  "Prince of sleaze"--but Jerry sure made a good point. 

Sunday's  comments at a democrat party office may be remembered as the weekend of Brown's precipitous fall. "I mean Clinton's a nice guy, but who ever said he always told the truth." Go get him Jerry. See full size image

It's hard to fault Brown for his accurate, timely and courageous reflections on the Clinton Presidency---but at the same time--it has to give democrats big and small a lot to worry about.

The Shill of Silicon Valley

September 09, 2010

Carl Guardino is president and CEO of the Silicon Valley Leadership Group. We are told that some 300 of the Valley's "most respected" companies belong. The LA Times tells us that Carl is helping to fund the campaign against Prop 23. See full size image

Prop 23 is a modest proposal that would 'temporarily' halt the madness of California's Cap and Trade legislation, AB 32. Cap and Trade is a devise to punish private citizens for using energy. C&T is highly controversial as a new but hidden tax allegedly  intended to punish polluters. The money is supposed to force renewable energy change worldwide. Although C&T passed the U.S. House, it is stalled in the 59 vote Democrat Senate. However, California's radical legislature got a local variant passed which was enthusiastically signed into law by the governor. 

Of course, any reasonable scientist will agree that to make C&T truly effective all nations must implement similar laws at the same time to have any measurable impact on climate. Assuming you believe the UN's thoroughly discredited global warming panic. 

But of course, most nations, including industrial nations are not playing. In fact, few people know that the Chinese are building a major coal plant each week, into the foreseeable future. If you are worried about pollution  you had better talk to the Chinese first. 
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The reasons why C&T is stalled in the Democrat dominated Senate are obvious. It's bad law, would punish the poor and innocent,  fundamentally anti-economic and growth,  plus it offers no measurable impact on global "warming."  

In the meanwhile the giants of Silicon Valley are joined in a common cause to defeat Prop 23, Prop 23 merely allows C&T to become active if unemployment reaches a historic average of 5% unemployed. Are the titans of computer capitalism that naive? They know how to make money---but do they understand Economics 101?  If you make energy more expensive,  it's the poor and middle class who would suffer a lower standard of living. Or, is the Silicon Valley Leadership Group a political shill? 

The SVLG has a large Board of Directors, including representatives from Wells Fargo, IBM, B of A, UCSC, PG&E, Lockheed Martin and many more. So are these companies merely run by stupid anti business greenies or are they merely naive? 

Examining Guardino's credentials, to my surprise, he is not some idealistic wunderkind who amassed a software fortune overnight. Instead --- he's a political hack. 

His pedigree includes six years on the staff of a forgotten Democrat Assemblyman. Then he gets a job at HP as a lobbyist. According to the Times he is a leader against Prop 23---and thus "leading" business folks to an early economic grave. 

Lenin must be quoted here, " the capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them. " 

While it's a shame California's Chamber of Commerce remains "neutral" on a clear cut choice, Jack Stewart's California Manufacturers & Technology Assn supports Prop 23. 

The damning idea that otherwise intelligent business people are manipulated by a democrat x staffer cannot be overstated. Part of the reason the golden state continues to sacrifice  its prosperity is that big business is too closely tethered to big government. 

The challenge  will  be whether the message gets through that Prop 23  is the antidote to California's C&T.  The notorious AB 23, is California's ultimate solution to destroy good paying  jobs. That includes the geniuses at big business in Silicon Valley.

Jerry's Secret : WSJ & Pajamas Media

August 16, 2010

A huge story that needs lots of coverage.

"What's troubling in all of this is not that [Jerry] Brown makes a good pension--or even that there may be some discrepancy about how much he makes versus how much he deserves. It  is that the whole thing is SECRET!  

"Let's think this through for half a second. At a time when pension funds are bankrupting or potentially bankrupting states all across the country, when aging populations are forcing the reconsideration of all sorts of social security programs on practically every country on Earth (countries that have them, anyway), and when the state of California--the sixth or is it seventh, biggest economy in the world--is about to, once again, pay its employees with vouchers because it's got zippity-do-dah in the bank, some officials of that state are receiving pensions whose size and identity we do not know and are not allowed to see" 

Roger Simon for with news that Jerry Brown, has a state pension the size of which is confidential.

Report RNC Summer Meeting

August 09, 2010

New Primary Dates

The RNC Summer meeting adopted proposed new significant rules that will change the way we select delegates in the 2012 RNC presidential convention.

The Republican primary season was effectively over when John McCain defeated Mitt Romney in Florida on January 29, 2008. Rudy Giuliani then endorsed McCain effectively ending the primary cycle.

 Members of the RNC are concerned as more states force earlier primaries we are facing a National Primary. A National Primary would concentrate the nomination process to major urban areas, campaigning would be only via national TV  and end the vetting candidates through state by state retail politics  would end.

 The rules change is a modest proposal. Three components are:

  1. Prohibit states from having primaries before March.

  2. Grant early carve outs to Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada.

  3. Penalties would include reducing delegate strength of early start state by a proportional reduction of delegates.

For more information see here.

Tampa In 2012

RNC unanimously voted to select Tampa as the convention site for 2012.

After considering bids from Phoenix and Salt Lake, Tampa, Florida offered the best terms to the RNC for its first ever Presidential Convention. Tampa includes St Petersburg and Clearwater in central west Florida. Republicans must carry Florida to beat Obama.

Tampa officials pledged to raise some $40 million from private sources to support the convention. The convention will begin August 27, 2012.


The Ruling Class and Maxine Waters

July 31, 2010

Congressman Maxine Waters loves dictator Castro, accused President Bush as a racist, hates white people and generally despises all things American. She is now the newest poster gal for what's wrong with Congress. 

The bi-partisan House Ethics Committee is ready to accuse her for major inside bank job in which her husband is a major stockholder. Last year, One United Bank, a large minority owned bank, received $12 million in bailout funds. According to the LA Times the funding came after Walters arranged meetings between the bank and the Treasury Department. Three months later the bank got your money. 

Today the Flashreport headlines feature that Maxine would rather have a trial than admit fault. 

This is good. 

80 year old Charles Rangel, formerly chair of the Ways and Means Committee, responsible for tax laws, is accused of not paying his taxes, thus breaking his own laws. He may face trial in September, just a cool 50 days before the November elections. 

Don't forget the Grifter of Congress. Our own pathetic Laura Richardson---who bought three homes, then stiffed the banks. So, far nothing coming from the House Ethics. They may figure they have no jurisdiction for misdeeds done before her election. 

We do have two solutions for our local embarrassments. Bruce Brown is waging a multi community coalition opposing Maxine's reign of terror over her district. Everyone in Long Beach knows how bad is grifter Laura Richardson -- so super star writer and speaker Star Parker is waging another grass roots campaign. . If there was ever a time to remove two corrupt politicians this is the year. 

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When Republicans lost the House in 2006, the most important reason was nearly meaningless scandal, with Rep Mark Foley's texting sexually suggestive messages to House pages. Unlike Congressman Barney Frank, Foley didn't engage.  Foley's scandal was  "invented" . The MSM coordinated a massive propaganda campaign with Congressman Rahm Emanuel. The attacks were devastating. The round the clock publicity immediatetly cost the leads of  scores of Republicans in the late September polls. Mark Foley [who? ] was literally one of the best known people on earth that fall. 

Conservatives have no reason to hope the same for Rangel, Waters or Richardson. After all these people only stole money. They used the House to exploit the system for their personal benefit. Many democrats believe in wealth redistributions for themselves.

Luckily, most Americans don't believe much of what MSM has to say. Tea Parties are evidence there is a huge multi ethnic middle class eruption. 

Chances are good we won't be seeing Rangel, Waters or Richardson. They will either be defeated this fall or go to jail. Or both

Steele Supports War, But Not the President\'s Policies

July 07, 2010

When Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele was caught on video criticizing President Obama\'s policy on the Afghan war, he set off a firestorm, but one thing is certain: Michael Steele and the Republican Party stand in support of our troops and their tough mission.

Our party is united in the belief that this is a war we must win and that our troops must get any resources necessary to return victorious. There is no substitute for victory. Instead of playing politics with Chairman Steele\'s comments, let use this as an opportunity to have a national debate over what is happening in Afghanistan and the entire global war on Terror.

While it is unnerving to debate foreign policy in a time of war, it is a necessity of our day. History has shown that winning in Afghanistan is a huge task. America has defeated much larger foes, taking on two super powers on two continents in World War II. Winning requires clear leadership from our Commander-in-Chief. While running for President, Barack Obama made Afghanistan a central campaign theme and now, after 18 months in office, he has taken full ownership of this war. It\'s his war to win or lose. Obama\'s team engineered a dramatic restructuring of the war from total engagement to an uncertain trumpet. I say uncertain, because the Obama Administration on one hands calls for victory and on the other hand calls for a withdrawal timeline. The policy is a ping-pong of competing goals. But make no mistake: Today, 100% of the senior military and civilian leaders in Afghanistan are Obama\'s picks.

A week ago, Gen. Stanley McChrystal ended his career by expressing his frustrations with the Administration political apparatchiks. Not only did Obama choose a significantly lower number of troops (25% less ) than requested by McChrystal for the surge, but proceeded to humiliate the Afghan President Karzai-generating a blast of invectives from our key ally. Our commanders have to constantly fence with a blurry chain of command including Obama\'s handpicked ambassador who is not very diplomatic and State Department bureaucrats undercutting the unusually hawkish Hillary Clinton-all while trying to fight the Taliban.

Two-front wars are always tough. Even worse when one front is dissention in your own administration. McChrystal\'s staff was exasperated by Vice President Joe Biden\'s anti-war backbiting. In short the Obama Administration\'s execution of senior government policy was a war raging in the public eye between factions of his own staff.

No wonder Americans would be hard pressed to identify Obama\'s war aims. Are they victory or a graceless escape?

Here we have the oddity of American politics. Nearly two-thirds of the House Democrats voted to put forward serious questioning of Obama\'s Afghan policy. Then Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham and Independent Sen. Lieberman and others, rallied in favor of winning in Afghanistan as our primary aim. These three and others used the occasion of Chairman Steele\'s comments to try to rally America\'s policy elite to support a very specific Afghan policy: Victory. Victory is our goal. They want it to be America\'s goal. But where is Obama? They are skillfully trying to use the moment to maneuver Obama, but will they succeed at the deepest policy levels?

Goldwater, Reagan and Bush believed wars cannot be won with uncertainty. Moral and practical clarity is essential. The objectives and tactics must be clear. When Obama alienates our allies and sends mixed signals to our enemies, this is the formula for disaster.

Gotcha politics is a shortcut toward dishonest debate. As Commander-in-chief, President Obama needs to choose between victory or withdrawal. All Republicans and most Americans believe we should never sacrifice a single American life, until there is a commitment to eradicate the terrorists behind the massive 9/11 attack. Our troops deserve more than indecisive policy, wrapped up in the opaqueness of the Obama PR machine.

Reader Rebuttal: O.C. supervisor race

May 28, 2010

supervisor-left-candidateWhat's the core philosophical difference between Harry Sidhu and Shawn Nelson? Essentially – very little.

With the heat generated by the Fourth District supervisorial race ["Referendum on unions in O.C.," Steven Greenhut column, May 9], a good old-fashioned clash of political values is expected. But, here, the similarities far outweigh the differences. Both candidates are good conservatives.

Sidhu was elected in 2004 to the Anaheim City Council and Nelson to Fullerton's Council in 2002. Both served as mayor pro tem. Both have good records for community service. Both are good family men. Both received, in the past, union endorsements and union funding. Until recently, accepting police and fire union support was valuable for Republican candidates. But with union pensions pushing cities toward bankruptcy – unions are now, deservedly, a pariah.

As Fullerton Police Officer's Association chief Chris Harris said to the Register in October 2002, about the union's independent expenditure of $25,000 for three Fullerton city candidates, one of whom was Shawn Nelson, "We have a vested interest in this election." Again, the union gave Nelson $999 in 2004. Harry also received some $9,350 public-employee union support in past campaigns.

But what about their experiences as councilmen? Sidhu claims he never ever voted for a tax increase. Moreover, he never voted for any fees increase.

I've learned that Nelson voted for fee increases for sewers on Sept. 6, 2005, the first ever for poor Fullerton. Then voted twice for increased water fees, Feb. 15, 2002, and June 16, 2009. Nelson even approved a fee hike for the Fullerton Airport, suggesting an even higher increase than proposed, on May 20, 2003. But the back-breaker for me was his vote May 20, 2003, for an increase in the swimming-lesson fee at local pools, in the home city of four-time Olympic gold medalist Janet Evans.

But that was then. What about now? The big issue is pension reform. We all know why. Government employee pensions are killing local and state governments. We are in a pre-Grecian mode. Real effective reforms are needed now. Both candidates seem pretty good on this issue. Nelson, on Feb. 2, as reported in OC Buzz, stated that he opposed the supervisors' lawsuit to push back on the deputies' luxurious pensions. "I see that's a fatal flaw with this lawsuit. For the lawsuit, I think they're not going anywhere, and it's going to blow up over its own weight because they sued themselves."

But, what about the independent-expenditure union money supporting Harry Sidhu? That's a big deal. Given both candidates' records, which admittedly is mixed, both argue they will fight for desperately needed pension reform. Sidhu and Nelson this time both refuse to take union money. Both candidates were set to meet with the deputies union, but Nelson called off his meeting at the last minute. In fact, the deputies union publicly refused to endorse anyone. So why did Sidhu meet with them? Did he make a secret deal?

I don't think so; the unions have too much money. They like chaos. They encourage mischief. Here's my wager. I like and support Harry Sidhu. He has a perfect record of voting against taxes. He fought against pension abuses as a city councilman. He does not need or desire union support. He and Shawn Nelson will both act vigilantly for pension reform. 

Whoever the voters choose, the unions should be on the run, and Orange Countians will have a good man as supervisor.

Ronald Reagan Day

April 30, 2010

Traditional Values' Ben Lopez is on to something good. 

Lopez is pushing legislation to enact a Ronald Reagan Day, on Reagan's birthday February 6 of each year. 

 AB 2412 [Tran], will be heard next week in front of the Assembly Education Committee. Chaired by Julia Brownley, with Brian Nestande, serving as Vice Chair, there is hope that bill receives a warm welcome. 

Van Tran, a Vietnamese refugee whose family was helped under Reagan, will testify. 

A Ronald Reagan Day is not an official holiday for state employees to take, yet another day off from their overpaid and under worked positions. 

Given that anti Republican Arnold signed into law a Harvey Milk Day for May 22, last year, we are optimistic that one of American's greatest presidents can pass muster out of the California legislature. 

For more information contact Ben Lopez at

Blanket primary smothers choice

March 30, 2010

sen-pass-calif-speaksWhile overshadowed by the sound and fury of the candidate contests, Proposition 14 on the June primary ballot could even more profoundly affect Republican fortunes because it would permanently, radically, alter how party nominees are selected.

Prop. 14 replaces our traditional party primary system with the "blanket" primary used by that paragon of political dysfunction, the state of Louisiana. Prop. 14 is the fruit of a corrupt bargain struck a year ago between liberal Republican state Sen. Abel Maldonado and legislative Democrats: Maldonado voted to enact the budget and largest tax increase in state history in exchange for putting the blanket primary on the June 2010 ballot.

Traditionally, California voters choose party nominees in a primary election, the winners of which face each other in the November general election. Political parties are free to decide who votes in their primaries. For example, the Republican Party allows decline-to-state voters to cast ballots in its primary, in addition to registered Republicans. This system has worked well for decades.

The radical Prop. 14 scheme proposes a blanket primary in which all candidates are on a single primary ballot. The top two vote-getters – regardless of party affiliation – advance to the general election.

The blanket primary narrows, rather than widens, voters' choices. Many of our gerrymandered legislative and congressional districts are dominated by a single party. In these, general elections under Prop. 14 would be between a Republican and a Republican, or a Democrat and a Democrat. In large, rural districts, there will never be a Democrat on the November ballot. Likewise for Republican candidates in urban areas like Los Angeles and San Francisco. As for third-party candidates, they'd be effectively knee-capped statewide.

This is no accident. The blanket primary is designed to blur the lines and populate the Legislature with politicians with mushy beliefs. The unstated premise is that sharp philosophical differences between the two parties is unhealthy, and that contending for voter allegiance on such a basis is "partisan" and, therefore, bad.

In a free society, parties should be allowed to set their own rules for selecting nominees, not have one imposed on them against their will.

Moreover, adopting a blanket primary in the Tea Party era would be an historic mistake. I can't remember the last time so many Americans were so earnestly engaged in issues of politics and government, actively pushing back against state and federal governments that have slipped their constitutional moorings.

At a time of maximum voter alertness to the very real differences between two parties – and their flaws – do we really want a blanket primary that blurs those distinctions? Is it wise to rig the game so voters, rebelling against the status quo, have their choices narrowed to two brands of vanilla?

Some elites argue the California Republican Party can only grow by diluting itself, and they see the blanket primary as a means to that end – but that view ignores history and is blind to the opportunities ahead.

In California, the seeds planted by years of Democratic policies – high taxes, anti-business regulations, generous entitlements and unsustainable public pension obligations – are bearing their bitter fruit. The edifice of liberal governance is quickly crumbling, and more Californians are now open to alternative solutions. For example, a recent Field Poll found a majority of Californians want eliminate our chronic budget deficits through spending cuts, not tax increases.

Why, then, would we choose such a moment to adopt a blanket primary that deprives voters of robust choices, and offers them, instead, a narrow octave of echoes?

Corporations: Enemy of the People; Key Supporters for Obamacare

March 22, 2010

Republicans are not surprised that Obamacare could not have succeeded without Big Pharma, the Business Round table, Wal-Mart, the American Medical Association, and the American Hospital Association. All statists. All looters. Looking to increase market share and drill more out from government. 

If we think the public sector unions are parasitical, we need look no further to giant corporations a willing ally in feasting on the government carcass. The only ones screwed are the middle class.

When the California Chamber of Commerce supports legislative democrats or Davis when he was governor, let's not act surprised. When the California Business Round table oppose school choice and promotes tax increases, we need to remember they along with the government unions are the twin enemies of freedom from government growth.

Tom Campbell's strange saga with Sami Al-Arian

March 09, 2010

" Jihad is our path. Victory to Islam. Death to Israel. Revolution. Revolution until victory. Rolling to Jerusalem. " Sami Al-Arian, Sept 26, 2001, FOX TV. 

Normally, not the kind of rhetoric one finds in a US Senate race. 

Tom Campbell seems to have  forgot a couple of items. Campbell denied Al-Arian was a donor in his 2000 senate campaign. Tom also forgot he wrote a letter defending 'professor"  Al-Arian after 9-11. The letter, dated January 21, 2002, has Tom writing  " I have formed the fear because of the paucity of evidence supporting ...for this discipline against him. I have read a transcript of the  "O'Reilly Factor" interview and i did not see anything whereby Professor Al-Arian attempted ..." 

That was then...this is now. 

At least Sami Al-Arian did not call for another Holocaust. Or did he?  He plead guilty in 2006, pursuant to a plea agreement, to conspiracy to help a "specially designated terrorist" organization, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad

Earlier in Al-Arian's "career" , before he won the professorship at University of South Florida, he was an ambitious jihadists. 

On September 29, 1991, he said in a speech at a Chicago conference that Allah had made Jews "monkeys and swine", and damned them in this world and the after world. He used his position at the USF, to hire members of his Palestinian Islamic Jihad as university employees and used university facilities to send monies to suicide bombers. Definitely not a nice guy or dinner companion.

So, what is it about Tom Campbell that attracts such support?  

Both Chuck Devore and Carly Fiorina have called into question Campbell's judgment. 

After Campbell's ill fated support for the atrocious Prop 1-A, last year, mercifully defeated by over 60% of the voters, helping initiate the Tea Party Movement, Campbell lost all justification  for seeking higher office. Like some Republicans, Campbell thought  just a few more taxes will help "solve" the budget crisis. Campbell failed to understand the first rule for solvent government. It's the Spending Stupid. 

No one is more more charming that Tom Campbell. He probably could out debate French President Nicolas Sarkozy in French. Tom is enormously bright and multi talented.  He is only weak with economics and foreign policy. 

Add on Campbell's foreign policy chops, and its time to duck. There probably has not been anyone so little deserving the republican senate nomination, since......well its hard to find a parallel. Tom Kuchel? William M. Gwin? 

Big Government  Republican Kuchel 

pro slavery Democrat Gwin

Taliban gains foothold in Justice Dept

March 04, 2010

Had to read this twice. House Republicans complained for weeks than many of Obama's political appointees to the US Justice Dept --- defended terrorists. In fact, Congressmen claimed that Eric Holder and Obama were stacking the Justice Dept with top officials sympathetic to "enemy combatants." The problem is simply conflict of interest. Given inside knowledge of terrorist strategies, what are these lawyers doing in top Justice positions? Seriously, whose side are they on, is a fair question. 

You can't make this up. This is truly stranger than fiction.

So here it is from today's LA Times, word for word about the Sympathetic Seven :

"The Obama appointees identified Wednesday:

Jonathan Cedarbaum, in the Office of Legal Counsel, and Eric Columbus, who works under the deputy attorney general, were part of a legal defense team for Bosnian Algerian detainees and brought a case to the Supreme Court that resulted in the right of captives to challenge their detention.

Jonathan Cedarbaum

Karl Thompson, now in the Office of Legal Counsel, helped represent Omar Khadr, a youth captured after a firefight in Afghanistan in which Sergeant First Class (SFC) Christopher James Speer (September 9, 1973-August 6, 2002) was killed by grenade attack. 

Omar Khadr

Karl Thompson 

Christopher Speer


Sgt Christopher Speer --- Killed on duty an American Hero 

Joseph Guerra, principal deputy associate attorney general, worked on legal briefs on behalf of Jose Padilla, accused of plotting a "dirty-bomb" attack.

Jose Padilla 

Joseph Guerra

Tali Farhadian, who works in Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr.'s office, contributed to appellate briefs for Ali Saleh Kahlah Al-Marri, a Qatari student designated an enemy combatant when he was about to go trial on fraud charges in Illinois.

Ali Saleh Kahlah AL-Marri 

Tali Farhadian

Beth Brinkmann, a deputy assistant attorney general, collaborated on Supreme Court briefs for detainees and advocated more protection of detainees' rights.

Beth Brinkmann

Tony West, an assistant attorney general who heads the Civil Division, served on the legal team for John Walker Lindh, the so-called American Taliban who was captured in Afghanistan.

John Walker Lindh

Tony West

Earlier identified were Neal Katyal, principle deputy solicitor general, who won a Supreme Court victory for Salim Ahmed Hamdan, former driver and bodyguard for Osama bin Laden; and Jennifer Daskla, former senior counsel for Human Rights Watch, who now serves as an attorney in the Justice Department's National Security Division. "

Salim Ahmed Hamdan L Osama's bodyguard 

Neal Katyal

Remember these folks, you will hear about them and their consequences for decades. 

Who will turn ? Who will save the libs and unions?

February 13, 2010

Today could be one of the worst economic days in US history.

Congress may pass the most  expensive aggressive pork laden spending bill ever. Only with the help of 3 pathetic Republican senators. 

Back home, our legislature is set to impose more taxes on the highest taxes in the US, only to preserve union power. The only way to force new taxes,  votes must come from Republicans. 

Gov. Arnold announced the most important reform of his whole political life by stating he would fire over 20,000 state workers. This is the best news for California government in over 50 years. Unlike real business, the state government only grows, furnishing incompetent and half hearted services. 

If the Governor was to succeed in the reduction of 20,000 SEIU members it would mean immediate hardship to unions political power. 

Each SEIU member is required to pay monthly dues. The dues are withheld from their checks so many union members have no idea how much they are forced to pay. The prison union guards pay about $80.00 a month. Elimination of 20,000 union jobs could cost the unions nearly $20 million in annual dues. 

Extracting union money from tax payer supplied salaries is the crux of Democrat power and its control of the legislature. We can chip against that formidable wall now. 

But SEIU and other dark forces might have a couple of Republican turncoats to save them. We don't know who will join the dems. All of us should watch carefully, take action and never forget.  

The "deal" will significantly raises income and sales taxes, already the highest in the nation. The dreaded vehicle tax that made Arnold's career will double. 

What do taxpayers get? A fraudulent, easy to evade, "spending" limit for two years.
Who made this deal? Who wants it? Why would any Republican vote for this?

Status Quo is much preferred. Particularly is 20,000 are mercifully let go, so they can find honest work. 

Starve the Beast. 

Is the OC Sheriff Crazy?

February 11, 2010

Orange County's unelected Sheriff Sandra Hutchens granted early release to 300 convicts to roam the streets. 

Was this necessary? Sheriff Lee Baca didn't think so and did not release anyone early. The Sacramento Deputy Sheriff's sued and won an order from Judge Loren McMaster holding any more premature releases. 

The Sheriff''s first duty is to protect the public. What is Sheriff Sandra Hutchens thinking? 

Nancy Pelosi's New Ride

February 02, 2010

Round trip from DC to SF at $120,000


Reflections Of My First Trip To Israel

January 31, 2010

(For the purposes of this posting, I am now the Flashreport Middle East Correspondent) 

Just before last Christmas my local Rabbi, Isaac Jeret, invited California Republican Party Chairman Ron Nehring and me to visit Israel, as guest of the Friends of the Israeli Defense Forces. Only 4 days on the ground going to places few can visit, we jumped at the chance.

I've never been to Israel. Until 9-11, I was agnostic between the struggles of Arab countries and the state of Israel.  Never a friend of  too-generous  "foreign" aid, I had a laissez faire attitude. After the brutal realization, that for over a hundred years brewed a massive resurgence of extremist Islam that threatens western civilization, I reconsidered and now believe Israel is a vital link in our war against Islamic Terror. 

We visited the HQ of the Southern Frontier along the Gaza front. We met with the general in charge at the Re'im Base. We witnesses instruction to IDF soldiers how they are taught  to minimize civilian injuries. IDF soldiers risk or suffer casualties, by avoiding, I believe too often, population centers for Hamas rocket launching sites. We met with young Americans at the Army mess hall, who volunteered in the IDF before going to college. They were boys from Portland, Dallas and the Bronx. They love America and see Israel as American's first line of defense. 

Our delegation then drove to the Egyptian border to meet with the famous IDF Bedouin Battalion. Bedouins are not Arabs. They are not drafted. They are volunteers in the IDF; many of the Bedouins are career soldiers. 

Then we learned the details which lead to "Operation Cast Lead."  For years, Israeli communities, next to Hamas controlled Gaza, suffered under an avalanche of thousands of kassam rockets, unguided artillery steel rockets filled with explosives. At the city of S'derot there are two underground playgrounds for kids, because civilians have only 15 seconds of warning with each attack. 
During the fighting to quell the relentless attacks, the IDF would declare a unilateral cease-fire to truck tons of medical supplies and food into the war zone, for the Arabs. Is there a single Arab country that would do the same in the last 1000 years?  And, Operation Cast Lead was a complete success. The population of S'derot has doubled with the return of its citizens in the last 12 months. 

Next, we were briefed in the north at the Golani Brigade Training Base near Nahariya.  Ron and I were invited to witness war games nearby with young IDF soldiers practicing in terrain that looked similar to Lebanon.  

The key reason for Israeli's survival rests largely on the shoulders of 18 year old kids. The draft is mandatory for every man and woman when they turn 18. No college, but military service for all. This experience creates the cultural core of Israeli society. After the three years of service, you stay with your unit until you turn 40. You make lifetime friends. Many stay with their  unit until years after 'retirement'.  I've wondered how long Israel can survive against its 100 million hostile neighbors. After meeting the young men and women there is no doubt of the verve and dedication of one of the world's best fighting forces. 

We inspected the so-called "Wall" in the West Bank. Actually it's a fence that keeps would be terrorists out of Israel. Suicide bombings have dramatically decreased -- with the building, of what I call the Peace Fence. Most of the " wall " is not a wall. In fact, some  Arab communities are demanding to be included inside the fence, for their self protection. 

Let there be no doubt. Israel is a thriving country---and serves as the only sanctuary for Jews anywhere in the Middle East. With the growth of Nazi style anti-Semitism in Europe, generally exported there by immigrant Muslim communities, Jewish survivors from the Holocaust are literally seeing the exact same attacks  they saw in their youth. 

Conservatives have a duty to learn more about Israel. Along with Iraq, Israel is has a working democracy instilled with Western Values. If you think Obama is unpopular in the US, polls show that the vast majority of Israeli's are very unhappy with Obama. 

The Political Gordian Knot is to help American Jews rediscover Israel. After my visit to the old City of Jerusalem there cannot be any rational reason to argue for equivalency  between the culture of Israel and the rigid despotism of most Arab governments.  Just recently, when  Blue Dog democrat Congressman Marion Berry [Arkansas] , announced he was retiring - he stated that the extreme Left has fully captured the democrat party. That extreme Left hates Israel.  When American Jews see in Israel what most conservatives appreciate, the political dynamics in the US would be dramatic.

Michael Steele Wins Again

January 21, 2010

Last year  Michael Steele upset the Republican establishment as the first outsider in a generation to win election as Chairman of the Republican National Committee. Massive forces were aligned against Steele, but the harsh lessons of wholesale Republican repudiations of 2006 and 2008 helped propel Michael's message. 

The message from Steele?  That for Republicans to win again, they must embrace and act conservative. We have valuable lessons to learn from the Tea Party movement. Depending on the Republican bulls in Congress could be fatal. Over the years, many RNC vendors grew rich over no-bid contracts.  In fact, there still remains an RNC member who was paid over $1,000,000 from the RNC -- who was a fierce opponent to Steele's election. Chairman 

Steele promised reforms. No more no-bid contracts. Old favored vendors would have to compete. The Establishment would have to move over and and re-invent themselves. 

The tests to measure a Chairman's success are straightforward: first,  does he raise the money needed to win elections and second, does he then win elections?

Steele when he took over leadership of the RNC immediately realized that the major donor program was inactive after the 2008 election.  He also saw there that there was not an effective direct mail campaign in the works. Within days, after clearing out the dead-wood out of the RNC, Steele brought in a new hungry team and out-raised President Obama's DNC in eight of the following eleven months. 

At the same time, Steele assigned the RNC staff to begin working to win the governorships inNew Jersey and Virginia. The RNC was the single largest donor to both campaigns. Many millions were spent, plus an army of paid and non-paid workers flooded both states. Hoping to win one of the Obama voting states, Steele helped do the impossible by winning both. Plus carrying all statewide offices in Virginia. 
Michael Steele represents the new impatient conservative leaders emerging in the Republican Party. When Steele criticized Olympia Snowe and Arlen Specter (before the latter formally switched parties) for working too closely with the Democrats he was criticized by a "former RNC official.

Steele wrote a book , Right Now: A 12-Step Program for Defeating the Obama Agenda.  More public complaints from former RNC officials. 

However, all that is over. Done. The earthquake upset in Massachusetts has stilled  any further criticism of Steele's leadership. No more hostile resolutions. The few disgruntled are running to embed themselves in the woodwork. No Chairman, including the famed Haley Barbour has had this much success in only one year in office. 

Upon my election by the California Republican Party as our state's Republican National Committeeman in early 2008, my first call the next day was to Michael Steele urging him to run for RNC chair to help change the direction of our party.  I am grateful to the CRP members who gave me a chance to help join the forces of change for the good. It's nice winning again.

GOP losers target Michael Steele

January 14, 2010

After Republicans won two major governorships on his watch, you would think RNC Chairman Michael Steele would be quite popular with the Washington GOP. In fact, 2009 was the best year for the RNC since 1993 to 1994, the early years of Chairman Haley Barbour’s era.  

Moreover, Steele racked up zero debt and raised more than $80 million, outperforming Obama’s Democratic National Committee. Steele fired much of the RNC’s dead wood, recipients of too-costly benefits packages.  

So what’s the fuss about?
There are essentially three areas of attack.  

Steele was widely quoted suggesting in an interview with Sean Hannity that Republicans would not take back the House in this year’s midterm elections. But later in the interview, Steele explained that Republicans need to act like conservatives to secure the House.

Conservatives don’t trust House Republicans. During the Bush years, House Republicans voted like drunken sailors for more government growth and a historically high level of earmarks. Then they promptly lost control of the House. Conservative estrangement played an important role in this, which Steele emphasized in the Hannity interview. As Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) said after the 2006 elections, Republicans lost the election because they lost their way.

Since starting as chairman a year ago, Steele has traveled to more states and communities than most Republican leaders do in a lifetime. He meets with donors and speaks to inner-city ministers. He effortlessly glides from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People to Republican Women Federated. No previous chairman has done this. Steele is a national figure, appearing regularly on TV and conservative talk radio.

Then Steele is hit for writing a book, “Right Now: A 12-Step Program for Defeating the Obama Agenda.” Perhaps the critics ought to read his book before forming an opinion. Leaders write books about what they believe; this is part of winning elections.  

Finally, Michael Steele was criticized for accepting speaking fees. Republicans understand that effective CEOs often have outside incomes. CEOs also write books and get paid for speaking engagements and serving on boards.

Steele’s critics fall roughly into three categories. The first group is the RNC dissident losers. Last year’s RNC battle for chairman was tough but historic. The dinosaur RNC ghosts, who once dominated key RNC committees, controlled the agenda and enjoyed exclusive invititations to private parties in the Bush White House, were isolated. There are about a half-dozen left; some have served on the RNC for more than 20 years. Today, they have little, if any, influence.  

The second group is made up of Republican D.C. vendors, anyone considered to be “professional” in politics. During the Bush go-go years, the RNC paid millions to carefully favored vendors. The howling you hear is the groans of those who no longer receive unearned no-bid contracts. They don’t like the new sheriff.  

Both the RNC ghosts and the aggrieved vendors were active participants in the RNC for a long time. They are unhappy. They dine in the best restaurants, and that’s where they meet with the third class. When disappointed party losers have a grudge, they share it with the press. The mainstream media locusts have a field day seizing an opportunity of showing “major” Republican divisions. The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Huffington Post and “MSMBC” have turned on all spigots in attempts to shut down Steele. 

It is the old Washingtonitis syndrome: If you lose your influence, attack the person on top. Most conservatives trust Steele. His wins in New Jersey and Virginia, along with the $80 million raised, fortify his success. With the upcoming RNC winter meeting, Steele is more popular than ever



Winning Purple: Here’s How


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Sanctuary Opt-Out Update - Update #9
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Sanctuary Opt-Out Update - Update #6
Sanctuary Opt-Out Update - Update #5
Sanctuary Opt-Out Update - Update #4
Sanctuary Opt-Out Update - Update #3
Sanctuary Opt-Out Update - Update #2
Sanctuary Opt-Out Update - Update #1
The Conservative Movement: Agony, Revolution, and Triumph

Charlottesville and the ongoing threat of the alt-right
California’s high-speed rail promoters should heed the wisdom of rats
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California can lead in the fight against government overreach
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RNC Resolution

Steel: Conservatives Win with Kevin McCarthy as Speaker
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CA GOP enlists Asian American candidates
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Report from Chicago
California’s party-switchers miss the vote
Silicon Valley and the GOP: Republicans nurturing false hopes
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ACLU shouldn't be lone voice against surveillance
Paradise Lost

Notable & Quotable
Romney must win over Asian voters

RNC Resolution Opposing “National Popular Vote Compact"
Scathing Report Undermines All Credibility in Redistricting Process
RDAs will end … when elephants fly?
When elephants fly: the end of the dreaded RDAs
Electoral College Madness
Brown caught between unions, voters

What Happened to Fresno?
Prop 23 Abandoned by Business
Asian Republican Strategy
Obama appoints "devout" Muslims to Homeland Security
Chairman Steele 'full throated' for O'Donnell
The Brown Implosion
The Shill of Silicon Valley
Jerry's Secret : WSJ & Pajamas Media
Report RNC Summer Meeting
The Ruling Class and Maxine Waters
Steele Supports War, But Not the President\'s Policies
Reader Rebuttal: O.C. supervisor race
Ronald Reagan Day
Blanket primary smothers choice
Corporations: Enemy of the People; Key Supporters for Obamacare
Tom Campbell's strange saga with Sami Al-Arian
Taliban gains foothold in Justice Dept
Who will turn ? Who will save the libs and unions?
Is the OC Sheriff Crazy?
Nancy Pelosi's New Ride
Reflections Of My First Trip To Israel
Michael Steele Wins Again
GOP losers target Michael Steele

The Return of CAL-YAF
Kalifornistan: A Movie Review
Applications to the Redistricting Commission : Prop 11
Darrell Steinberg--next door to you--CAIR and Islamists
CAIR- Spies Everywhere Ask Sen Steinberg
Speaker Bass Rejects CAIR
CAIR, Hamas, Arnold and the Dems
Are John Burton and the CDP Crazy?
Today's Commentary: The Three Judges Who Would Release The Criminals
Republicans come roaring back
Speaker Bass Has To Go!
The Orange Grove: Sell and modernize state to solvency
PIONEER HENRY LUCAS, DDS, mobilized other black conservatives
American Indian Charter School-Libs Need Not Apply
California Focus: State government needs RAW deal
50 Ways to leave your leader -- Mike Villines
Feds Prosecutorial Abuse ...Leave Perata Alone
Opinion: California Republicans need to step up to anti-tax plate
California\'s Upcoming Water Revolt
RNC Election: Steele the Winner! Thank you Ken Blackwell
STEELE -- RNC Chair Winner say California Republicans
RNC Race: Bribes, Lies and Hit Mail
RNC Chairman's race gets ugly
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Merry Christmas to Igancio "Nacho" Ramos & Jose Campion
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The Battle for Glendale: Jane vs. the Interloper
Republican Woodstock - - Sarah takes LA
Abandoning Michigan? No way says Sarah
Conservative Resurgence at RNC May Change Party
SEIU: Corruption Runs Deep
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Who is Abram Wilson?
Obama Swimming In Money -- More Than All Presidential Campaigns Combined
Today's Commentary on the News
UC Cancellations, by Clinton, Waxman and Nunez : Victory for students and conservatives
The worst guy in LA :Part Two - - Mark Ridley-Thomas vs. Parks
The Battle for LA : Parks vs. Ridley-Thomas
America's Grifter : Laura Richardson MC
The worst guy in LA : Mark Ridley-Thomas
SCOC accused Ridley-Thomas of "denigrating Latinos" : The Battle for LA - - Part 2
The Battle for Los Angeles
The Obama we never knew: ACORN
Hillary claims Obama not reaching white voters
Jews and Blacks: Bradley Coalition Breakup
I never liked Rockefeller
Mike Ramirez 2nd Pulitzer
L.A. Grad Rate for H.S. 45.3 %
State GOP Declares War
Useful Idiot : Mike Thompson
Democratic Party's Racial Divide
VIDEO: SFSU College Republicans Take On CODE PINK in Berkeley
The Trojan Horse a simple idea plus media sensation against Prop 93
Dems bow to the Bey of Oakland

Korea moves to the Right
Parsky Commission Fails Rogan
Speaker Makes Best Argument Against Prop 93
College Reps Confront the Left and Terrorism Next Week
The Governor Does Good : Ridley-Thomas gets it on the chin
LA Times goes bonkers or just another day at the office?
Electoral College Reform: Putting California in Play ; Paul Singer vs. Stephen Bing
Muslims Sue FBI in California
SF State College Reps Rip the Left
9/11 Two Anniversaries ...Europe Saved From Muslim Extremists ..324 years ago
Big Changes in LA County - Bernard Parks is running for Supervisor
Day 31 : Korean Christians Held by Taliban
Political Earthquake, Equalizing California Electorial Votes
Gore is Good
Legal Aid Foundation organizing Union : Violates Federal Law
Rescue Dawn - - The best summer movie
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher's July 31st Hearing on Border Guards
Infidel : Summer Reading
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Dead Bill Walking : SB 801
Blood Sport : Slamming Jerry Lewis
Frank Baxter Ambassador to the Republica Oriental del Uruguay
UCI: The war against the 5th Column
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Bradley Article - Supremely Disappointing
The Death of a Moderate Muslim
Freedom Fighters Invade UCI
Who Really Cares?
Where does the CRP live ?
Packing Heat at the LA Central Com : War at the 37th
Illegals play Capture the Flag
Happy Birthday, California Republican Party!
Times Editorials returns to boredom
Billionaire Broad a Backstabber?
LA councilman fights good jobs
The Remedy: Out Work The Democrats
Should the Republican Party Stay Republican?
Parsky Back in the News
The Wealthy Left Finance CA Politics
LACCD Beachhead
Revolution in the Belly of the Beast
Gasoline on the Pension Fire
CRP 's Future Chess Moves
Viet Power
Liberation in North Korea in LA
GOP registrations for hourly fun
Terminator Care DOA?
The California GOP: $16,000,000 Answers

Presidential Funding
20 Million Questions
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Taxes good for Business
Arnold must steer clear of drift to left
Review: The People's Machine

The Emerging Mcclintock Era
Schwarzenegger's Back
Will Arnold Jump The Shark?
The Governor's Initiatives
Initiatives At Home And Abroad

Not Just Bush Scored A Victory On Nov. 2
Against Prop 62
Vote No on 62
Play The Initiative Card
'Voter Choice': Reform-free Reform
Don't Take the Bayou State Cure
Dem Dominance of State is Dead
A Downright Reaganesque Speech

Arnold's Army
Winners and Losers
The Conservative Question
Governor Croupier
Recall Choice Really Between Tom, Bill, Arnold
Who CAIRs?
People Must Demand Recall
Golden Possibilities

State Republicans See Light in 2006
Don't Snicker ... Bill Simon Could Actually Win
'Same-Day Voting' Makes Hanging Chads Look Quaint
Lionesses of the Left Eat Judicial Nominees Alive

Escape Artist

An Attempt at an End Run on Prop. 209
Don't Force Lawyers to Join the State Bar